Wednesday, November 3, 2010

'Superheroes' brawl at parking garage

On halloween night, a kerfuffle was created by two men. One, Captain America, was found beating the father of the second, Spider-man, in a parking garage. The fight continued for awhile, and then Captain America's girlfriend, who was dressed as Ivy, got in on the fight and punched Spider-man in the face before police broke it up.

This fight broke out because one man started attacking another mans father. To go after an elderly person when the attacker is in their mid twenties is pathetic. The Captain America clad Michael Sanchez should get a life. There is no reason whatsoever to attack a 50 some year old. As for Ivy, to come in late to a fight and punch a man sticking up for his father is just downright outrageous. Both should be punished for the horrendous crimes they have committed.

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