Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hillary Clinton meets with Haiti leader after arrival

Hillary was sent to Haiti on behalf of President Obama. She stated, "We are here at the invitation of your government to help you. We will be here today, tomorrow, and the time ahead." Haiti was struck with a 7.0 earthquake, leaving hundreds of thousands dead. Hopefully, we can do a better job here than in New Orleans.

After Katrina, some 6 or 7 years ago, New Orleans still hasnt been rebuilt and is in horrible condition. Its excellent that we can send so much support down to Haiti and give them a hand, but honestly more people would rather us rebuild our own country before helping others. We are in a "recession" and here we go spending millions of dollars to help out Haiti when New Orleans is in just as bad condition.

Patients demand: 'Give us our damned data'

For five days, the wife of a patient at a hospital demanded their medical records. The fifth day was the day the husband was moved to a nearby hospital, and could not recieve any care or medicine for his pain because the records were not given to the family. The wife had to rush back and demand the records and causing an outburst in the hospital. Another "famous" incident where records were not given was a case in MN where a kidney cancer patient had the wrong kidney removed. If the family had been given their records, that could have been prevented.

If it takes a hospital five days to comply with a families requests while they are making ridiculous amounts of money for short work, they need to figure out how to be more customer oriented. The family needed the records and requested them every day for five days straight and they were not recieved. All i can say is that the hospital better get its act together.

Two charged with hate crimes in gay man's beating

Two men brutally attacked an openly gay man outside of a deli in Queens. They are being tried for hate crimes as well as robbery. They were beating the man and yelling anti-gay remarks and then took his wallet. The gay man was treated for a broken jaw, several broken ribs, two collapsed lungs, and a lacerated spleen.

All i can say to this is, "Really?" Why would anyone do something like this just because of a lifestyle choice. Im absolutely sure that there are things that are different and weird about the two attackers, other than the fact that they find it ok to horribly beat up a person for being different, and im sure theyd prefer to not be attacked and injured because of them. They should be put in jail for a minimum of 25 years. Hopefully, the trial does get taken as hate crimes so the punishment is worsened.

Arizona boy who admitted killing father sentenced to treatment

The boy, who was just 8 years old at the time, pleaded guilty of murdering his father and a man who rented a room from his father. The men were found dead with .22 bullet holes in them. The kid pleaded guilty and had a .22 weapon in his possesion. The kid will have therapy until he is 18 under the plea agreement because he is under 18 years old.

If all they are doing is having treatment until he is 18, all he has to do is fake passing that load of bull, and go out and shoot some other poor people. That treatment hardly ever works, and if you are just releasing him afterwards, the person who sentenced him to that better pray to God it works. If it doesnt, he will look terrible.

A fourteen year old boy was found guilty of kidnapping, molesting, and murder of a witness to prevent testimony. He told a four year old boy that he had something to show him in his apartment. He then sodomized the boy and after the boy cried and said he was going to tell him mother, the elder one drowned the boy in a nearby bathtub.

I agree with Bryce Holm here. This crime is extremely disturbing. The kid obviously has some mental issues that need to be worked out. As well as his life sentence, he should be sentenced to some sort of therapy. To do that to a four year old boy is pathetic.

Jesse Jaimes' ex-wife was just released from jail for her tax evasion problems. Now that she is out, she wants to spend time with her child who is staying with Jaimes and new wife Sandra Bullock. Jesse wants the case to stay in court, but Lindemulder, the ex, wants to re-kindle the relationship her and her daughter once had.

Kalan has an excellent point where he says that Jaimes should remain to hold custody of the child. With Jaimes and Bullock, there will be no problems. Both are well paid and can affored the child so that issue isnt big. The fact that Lindemulder was in jail, has drug problems, and is married to another felon is a huge issue. Those factors must be included when the court decides who gets to have the child. The kids safety is the biggest issue here.

Search crews still finding survivors of Haiti quake

Five days after the 7.0 scaled earthquake hit Haiti, people are still being found in buildings alive. For example, three people were just pulled out of a collapsed supermarket. They had been living off the stores supplies. When other rescuers learn of people being found alive still, it gives them a sense of urgency that might just be enough to save someones life. The casualties are estimated at 100,000 in the capital alone, and there must be more survivors in there too.

The rescuers have done an excellent job. They are finding people all over. They just need to keep doing what they are doing. Looking for signs of life and then investigating it. The bodies will not stop showing up. All we can do is hope they are alive when the rescue workers get to them.

Drone attack kills 20 in Pakistan

Four drone missiles were launched at an area in Pakistan and killed just over 20 people. With that in mind, the only nation with the ability to launch missiles from drones in that region is the U.S. The government hasnt commented on it yet. This is the third one in the last week. The attack on Thursday reportedly injured the head of the Taliban, Hakimullah Mehsud.

If this is the way that we need to deal with the people in the Arabic nations, we need to continue. They have done nothing but fight for hundreds of years. This is the closest we have been to ending terrorism over there. Just keep shooting missiles and bombs at them and we will be fine.