Thursday, November 5, 2009

School destroys 5000 doses of H1N1

The school had put 5000 doses of the H1N1 virus shot in the trash because the refrigerator that varied between 35-46 degrees regularly dropped down to 30. The CDC tests these vaccines in those temperature ranges and anything outside of that range has not been tested and they are not sure that it would work. The school had put these vaccines into the fridge on a Friday evening. Saturday morning a janitor had checked the fridge and the temperature had dropped. Thus destroying all these doses.

I feel that the school needs to take more care with those vaccines. Those are in extremely high demand and they have ruined them, most likely unintentionally. However, when you are handed something that important you need to get that taken care of correctly. The school shouldn't be given anymore before other people and schools.

Inmates save guards life

An inmate at a prison (not named) attacked a guard that was on duty. He punched him repeatedly in the face and then took him in a chokehold. Then, out of the blue another inmate rushed in and took out the attacker. As if that wasn't enough, two more came in to the rescue. One grabs the radio sitting on the desk and calls for backup. The other tries to separate the original attacker and the guard. Undoubtedly, they saved the guards life.

I think these men that saved the guards life have done a wonderful deed. They have been put into jail for attempted murder, assault and battery, and theft. Yet, they still had the good in them to save the guard. I feel they deserve a huge pat on the back and possibly early release for good behavior.

Northwest Pilots Matt Pappenfus' blog on the two Northwest pilots that overshot the Minneapolis Airport by 150 miles was very interesting. To have people that are proffesionals making this big of a mistake is ridiculous. Let alone causing the 44+ passengers to get behind schedule.

I agree 100% that they should have their flight certificates taken. To claim that they were "too busy" on their laptops while flying an airplane is way over the edge. They should not even be on a computer while flying. When they take off they are taking over control of 44+ passenger's lives. They need to be on their game and not screwing around on a laptop.

Dozens dead in Pakistan explosion A horrible explosion in Pakistan left 35 dead and 65 wounded Bryce Holm found. The explosion took place in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. This explosion was an extremely powerful one and in a populated area.

This explosion, I feel, was completely uncalled for. There is no reason for a bomber to kill many, many people. Bombing is a cowardly tactic. To kill your own people in vain trying to kill the United States patrols in Pakistan is just the wrong thing to do.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Obama administration moves to stop release of classified information

Obama is currently seeking to abolish the warrentless wiretapping around the nation set in by George Bush right after 9/11. It was set in to effect to try and intercept messages between terrorists to give the government a chance to get one step ahead and prevent whatever is going to happen.

I feel that this is the right thing to do. First off, the government had no right to tap all the phones and track all the e-mails that people are sending to each other. That is a direct violation of privacy the